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The Vision of the Greater Atlantic Beach is to enhance the well-being and quality of life for our regional community. We will accomplish this vision:
  • By being a leader in regional cooperation
  • Through the effective use of technology and innovative sewer management practices
  • With a highly skilled and motivated team of employees and
  • By protecting natural resources through education and conservation
Through leadership, innovation, and teamwork, provide the Village of Atlantic Beach, Atlantic Beach Estates, and East Atlantic Beach with safe, efficient wastewater treatment to ensure a healthy environment for future generations at the best possible value for our residents, and at the same time protect our ocean water quality and meet state and federal standards at the lowest cost.


PRE-TREATMENT: Bar Screens and Grit Removal This allows sand, grit, and other heavy solids to settle, and later be removed.

INFLUENT LIFT PUMP: These units pump the plant influent to the next process.

PRIMARY CLARIFIER SEDIMENTATION TANK: Lets smaller particles settle. Scrapers collect the solid matter that remains, plus some of the grease floating on top of the tank.

SECONDARY CLARIFIER SEDIMENTATION TANK: Allows the microorganisms and solid wastes to form clumps and settle.

TRICKLING FILTER AERATION TANK: Supplies large amounts of air to a mixture of wastewater, bacteria, and other microorganisms. Oxygen in the air speeds the growth of helpful microorganisms, which consume harmful organic matter in the wastewater.

PRIMARY SLUDGE PUMPS: Pumping process is repeated and re-circulated from the Primary and Secondary Clarifiers.

FINAL LIFT: Treated wastewater is pumped to Chlorine Contact Tanks.

DISINFECTION: At this point in the process the water is clean, but must be disinfected with chlorine to remove disease-causing organisms in the water. The liquids are now referred to as "effluent." In general, this treatment completes the process, and as a result the discharge into Reynolds Channel is 98% pure water.

THE SOLIDS: The solids on the other hand, are transferred from the clarifier to a digester where heat is applied and chemical reaction takes place. Later, the solids are conveyed to a second digester. The biosolids are now ready to be transported and later used as soil conditioners, and in certain processing can also be used to produce methane gas. The methane can be burned to supplement the energy supply for the plant. This, in general, is the treatment procedure. In its more specific aspects, it is complex and technical. Laboratory testing must be made at many stages. Sensitive equipment must be maintained at a high level of efficiency, and the community must be protected against any possible contamination. The total system redundancy of the Greater Atlantic Beach Water Reclamation District ensures our community's health and safety.